Steven Ballard founded iNET Security and Surveillance, LLC over 30 years ago. Mr. Ballard's extensive background began with a genuine passion for security. Although he scored near perfect on his Armed Services Aptitude Test, and was given the opportunity for any field, Mr. Ballard chose to be a proud member of the United States Air Force Security Force because of his love for security. Mr. Ballard served in the Philippines during a time of uncertainty in 1986. Later he served his country in the war against terrorism, and was deployed to the Middle East. Mr. Ballard was honorably discharged in 1993, and, without any hesitation, he continued his devotion and opened a security company in a basement office next to the courthouse, sharing one desk.

Artist: Cori Ballard- Mr. Ballard’s youngest daughter drew this as a tribute to Mr. Ballard’s father, who had very distinctive, strong “working” hands. Inet is the company it is today because of the core values Mr. Ballard learned from his father. This beautiful rendering symbolizes our simple message to our clients….
“We’re with you.”